Well be banner Well be banner

Be supportive

Be motivated

Be communicative

Be social

88% employees have said that they want to continue to work remotely, whilst 76% also said they feel a lack of informal communication with colleagues.
How can you encourage employee engagement within your team?

WellBe - a solution for progressive companies and enterprises, bringing fun and a sense of community to your teams. Drive social inclusion, build team spirit and make introductions in one simple SaaS platform.

Want to try the application?

Get to know each other

  • Intranet
  • Profile with interests
  • Chat
  • Welcome introduction
  • Dashboard
  • Online parties
  • Discussion clubs
  • Surveys
  • Analytics for team leaders and HR
Get to know

Gratitude and care

  • Emoji
  • Coffee with chief
  • Virtual presents
  • Points
  • Tools for motivation speech
  • Motivation reminder for team leader

Gratitude and care

  • Emoji
  • Coffee with chief
  • Virtual presents
  • Points
  • Tools for motivation speech
  • Motivation reminder for team leader
Get to know

Find friends and play

  • Filters for finding common interests
  • Dash games
  • Challenges
  • Sport online activities
  • Notification for offline events by interests
  • Tool for making congratulatory video
  • Teambuilding planer

